Women’s Ministry
RML Women’s Ministry is a community of women that, by means of Scripture study, prayer and discipleship, desires to be renewed in Christ through developing our ability to apply God’s Word in our everyday lives for the purposes of growing in wisdom and discernment, and for cultivating godly ways of relating to the Lord, our families and our communities.
Bloom is the social events group of RML Women’s Ministry. Bloom’s vision is to provide opportunities for the sisters of RML to grow together as we are continually being transformed by the gospel. As we interact we encourage, challenge, and edify each other in the Lord, in order to bless one another and to invite outsiders to experience a community renewed in the image of Christ. Bloom will have three official events throughout the calendar year.
Root is RML Women Ministry’s Bible Study group. Root’s hope is for the sisters of RML to grow in their relationship with Christ, as they learn to study God’s Word independently and corporately. As we connect with one another to discuss Scripture, we seek to grow in our understanding of God’s redemption story, and His plan for His people and for the world. We desire for the truths of God’s Word to shape our minds, hearts, and worldviews, better equipping us to be ambassadors for Christ in our church, homes, workplaces, and communities.
Get Connected
The RML Women’s Ministry has a listserv, utilized to inform sisters about upcoming formal events and to assist in organizing informal hangouts. Please reach out to women@renewalmainline.org or a member of the ministry’s leadership team, if you would like to be added to the listserv or have any questions about the Women’s Ministry.