We believe that every member is called to exercise the gifts that God has given each one of us to serve one another and the church, and to bless our region and the world for God’s glory. We encourage you to get involved through a Renewal ministry. Email to get involved.
Children’s Ministry
The Children’s Ministry serves the babies and children in our congregation. Each classroom, from our nursery to our Sunday School classes, is a place of wide-eyed learning and growing in Christ’s love and His Word. We want our children to know what the Gospel means and how to apply it to their lives from an early age. We are looking for dedicated teachers who love children and want to help them see Jesus. Teachers are asked to serve anywhere from once a month to every other week.
Missions Committee
This group of missions-minded folks help oversee the support and fostering of relationships with our church’s missionaries and to help connect and guide the church through praying for a variety of missions concerns.

Praise & Multimedia Team
Our praise and sound team leads the church in songs of worship to the Lord during our Sunday worship services. Practices are on Sunday mornings before service. The multimedia team helps the congregation worship with PowerPoint presentations (sermons, songs, order of worship). We see this as a ministry that encourages a richer worship experience.

Sports Ministry
The Sports Ministry aims to foster fellowship within our church through sports-related activities, while creating an avenue to invite and engage our friends and neighbors to encounter Christ and his church. The committee plans and hosts activities to bring participants together to facilitate more meaningful relationships that eventually occur through community groups and discipleship. The committee meets quarterly and activities take place on at least a monthly basis.
Women’s Ministry
Our Women’s Ministry is a community of women that, by means of Scripture study, prayer and discipleship, desires to be renewed in Christ through developing our ability to apply God’s Word in our everyday lives for the purposes of growing in wisdom and discernment, and for cultivating godly ways of relating to the Lord, our families and our communities. Our women meet every other week and are looking for more women to help serve in our ministry.
Worship Team
Our worship team welcomes all newcomers who walk through the doors of our church. We greet and guide people to our worship service, distribute the bulletins, usher people to their seats, and collect the offering. We meet prior to service to pray and set up. We believe a warm and welcoming environment is a form of the Gospel, inviting all to join our church family. We are looking for people who want to display the Gospel with open arms and a warm smile.